Adventure Isles
Entering from London Heights guests will walk down a forested path along a nearby river. A bridge appears hidden in the foliage, and for those brave enough to cross are meant with The Deep Jungle. To the right is Bengal Barbeque a restaurant for those looking for something tasty, familiar, but foreign. To the left is the Adventurer’s Club after relocating from the jungles of Paris they decided that the jungles of Singapore will be better suited, and now the Adventurer’s Club is here to stay. Down the path is the Jungle Cruise so climb aboard this river cruise that goes on for Niles, and Niles, and Niles. Off to the side of the Deep Jungle is Imports of the Jungle you can find merchandise from the regions of the Caribbean, Polynesia, Southeast Asia, and Africa as well as merchandise from beloved Disney films that take place in those locations. Coming along the tour of the Deep Jungle will be an English-Occupied house found in India where Mowgli’s Adventure is hosted. Lastly on the stop is a gazebo which acts as a meeting place for Baloo and King Louie.
Crossing another bridge from the Deep Jungle guests enter Aloha Isle a Polynesian paradise. Going to the left of the island guests will encounter a garden filled with tikis, and a place to meet everyone’s favorite alien Stitch! Proceeding along this path will be The Enchanted Tiki Room where guests are treated to a wonderful experience where the birdies sing, and the flowers croon. Adjacent is the Sunset Tree home to the Dole Whip, and the lovable Orange Bird! The last stop on the circle tour of Aloha Isle is the viewing area of The Spirit of Aloha Isle. A ten foot tall volcano stands tall and proud in the center of the water. Continuing to the last island guests will find an outdoor bazaar simply named Sparrow Bazaar which is where guests can buy all the pirate merchandise they wish to purchase. Also on this island are a series of construction walls which hide a Caribbean fort being constructed slated to open next year. As guests continue along this path they journey back to Neverland leaving Adventure Isles.
The Jungle Cruise
Queue -
As guests enter the queue for the Jungle Cruise they will hear the Voice of the Jungle, Albert Awol. Albert Awol will provide some of his favorite songs of the 1930's while giving humorous commentary about the Jungle, and their company the Jungle Cruise. As guests enter the queue and go down they will pass by several wooden crates that were going to be shipped to Pamela Perkins, The Adventurers Club. Guests will see that some crates have been broken open revealing what was once inside. Now reveled are several drums that guests can play, and exotic spices such as cinnamon and jasmine that now provide a pleasant smell in this area of the queue. As guests continue they will find a bird cage with a talkative parrot inside. The parrot will have prerecorded jokes to entertain guests. Along the way will be wooden fruit crates. These crates will be stacked up. They were planned to be exporting bananas, cocoa, mangos, guava, and mameys. The smells of these fruits will be coming out. Atop the banana crate will be a gibbon that will be trying to open the crate, but comically failing. Now guests encounter where some walls are that hang up paintings, artifacts, and maps.
Up and coming will be several crates and a cage with a moving animatronic tarantula. Guests will continue to walk to the Jungle Cruise Operation Center. As guests continue on their way back to the front of the building they will pass by the boat repair area. Here there will be a steam engine that will act as a mister to cool down the weary travelers. On the other side of the steam engine will a work table with several blueprints of different styles of Jungle Cruise Boats. Another portion of the wall will have missing boats, where they were last spotted, and missing skipper notifications. It will also have comedic ads for sights on the Jungle Cruise, and other trips. The last thing of notice will be a round staircase that leads up to Albert Awol's radio control room. On every step of the staircase will be a jar filled with various preserves rather it be honey or fruit. Guests continue to walk in the queue until they reach the boarding point.
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Boat Ride
Vehicle: The Jungle Cruise
Theme: Jungle Rivers of the World
Number of Boats: 12
Duration: 7 Minutes
Riders per Hour : 2,240
Riders per Day : 22,400 - 35,840
Height Restriction : None
Ticket Rating : E-Ticket
Ride Experience -
As we leave the dock, we see a herd of Asian Elephants in the river, bathing and splashing. How can you tell they're Asian? Because we're in Asia! On the riverbanks, we see water buffalo fighting each other for territory. As we float past the elephants, a few splash water in our faces. Feel free to take pictures; they all have their trunks on. We keep moving until we come upon an abandoned temple. As we approach the temple, a crocodile lunges forward at us, surprising our skipper, but then lurches back. Inside of the temple, we see a tiger, growling at us and staring with glowing eyes. With statues that appear to move their heads to look at us and an eerie silence and absence of jokes, the temple is dark and damp. Looking around, we see king cobras. They hiss and look directly at us, and then spit water at unlucky riders. They seem to balance on only a small end of their tail as they strike forward. On our way out of the temple, we see macaques that move with fluidity and make typical monkey sounds as they swing around. We're in no danger; they're just monkeying around.
As the tour leaves the temple they enter the Amazon River. As the skippers pull off from the docks the boats enter the Amazon River. Going through the river guests will hear the exotic calls of tropical birds, and the mysterious sounds of monkeys in the trees. While an ominous, mystical mist covers the river. Recent sightings of a jaguar leads to the skipper to be more nervous than usual, but still able to let out a few corny jokes. As the boats near Inspiration Falls a sloth will be hanging out in a tree. The sloth will be casually chewing on some leaves with a lazy glazed look on its face while wearing a skipper's hat. The skipper will of coarse point out this is where he/she last crashed, and lost their favorite hat. The cruise will then encounter Inspiration Falls which will encourage travelers like yourself to go.....deeper into the jungle that is! As the cruise leaves the Amazon River a jaguar is spotted hunting the boat, and the skipper lets out a girlish squeal as it tells the jaguar to take one of the guests.
As the cruise keeps a sailing through the rivers of the Jungle guests will be treated to a Disney Classic The Jungle Book! That's right a book on a rock in a jungle! Great isn't it? Soon the skippers and travelers arrive to the Pygmy welcoming party at the pygmy camp. However something seemed to have scared them off. AHHHH! GIANT PYTHON! Yup a python would've scared them off. Don't get to friendly with him though. He might just develop a crush on you. Looks like the gorillas of the jungle are just trashing the camp. Wait a minute it's my camp! In fact they make me just go bananas! Look at the mess they made it makes me want to split! On the bright side I couldn't get my jeep to work, but they turned it over. Now folks it seems like where on the Nile River.
The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and goes on for Niles and Niles and Niles and Niles! And if you don't believe me then your in de-Nile. Coming up here is Africa's second most feared animal, the African Bull Elephant! (It makes some noise) And coming up on your right is the most feared animal in Africa, his mother in-law! (It makes some noise as well). Coming up on your right are a family of baboons! (They shriek and holler) I'll like to point out this sandstone formation there on however. Some people take it for granite, but I think it really rocks! Coming up here is the African Veldt! Here zebras, giraffes, gazelles, wildebeests, and even okapis come to gather and drink water! Oh look at that lion pride! It looks like they're protecting that zebra. It seems like its just dead tired. Let's just let him rest in peace. Everyone looks what's coming up ahead! It looks like there's a million rocks on that beach! I told those guys to look out or rhinos, but did they believe me? No, and now it seems like they get the point. Yeah that guy on the bottom there is named Hontas. And it seems like the rhino is about to poke-a-hontas. (Present will be hyenas, zebras, gazelles, and an ostrich).
Now here in the jungle there's danger around every corner. So keep your eyes peeled. Look out for those crocodiles! Oh wait it's just Old Smiley. He's here everyday waiting for a handout. Right next to him is Ginger, but be careful because Ginger snaps. Yeah she's one tough cookie. Looks like we entered Flamingo Pool! Just look at these beauties playing in the waters of Schweitzer Falls. For those of you that don't know Schweitzer Falls was named after Mr. Edgurd Falls. Moving along the river, we see a crashed plane on the banks. The skipper tells a few corny jokes (give him a break, he's just winging it.) Hippos splash in the water, and our skipper fires off a few shots to scare them off. As we pass by the headhunters, they dance the famous "potty dance". Going back to Schweitzer Falls, we see more flamingos and then, the one, the only, back side of water! We keep moving until we come upon a headhunter. His name is Chief Name and he has some great deals for us; your head for one of his! He's a-head of the game when it comes to selling to tourists. He waves goodbye to us as we head back toward the dock.
Mowgli's Adventure
Queue -
As guests line up for Mowgli's Adventure they will enter the queue on a porch of an English Indian home. Various potted plants will be on the porch decorating the queue. On the sides will be windows, but not the traditional glass ones. These windows will be wooden blinds to match the main door to enter the indoor portion of the queue. Lanterns hang on the post of the railing illuminating the outdoor section of the queue with adequate lighting. Overhead the guests will be fans providing a gentle cooling breeze to the hot guests. As guests reach the end of the porch they meet an arched doorway. At the top of the arch is the Kipling Coat of Arms. The open doors will match the windows as they will also be made of wood and seem like sturdier wooden binds.
Upon entering the home presumably Kipling's guests go around the foyer. The guests will see paintings hanging on the walls representing the various landscapes of India and England. A large chandelier hangs above the seating area of two lush loveseats and an end table which sit upon an oriental rug. On the end table will sit a tray with an ornate set of a teapot and teacups.As guests exit the foyer they enter the study.
Candles dimly lit the study while windows reveal that outside night has fallen. Surrounding the room are a series of tall bookcases filled with books, but most notably Kipling's. On various tables scattered throughout the room lies open plenty copies of the Jungle Book each open to different pages retelling Walt Disney's take on the classic story. Finally after leaving this room guests enter an outside garden containing the loading docks.
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Traditional Dark Ride
Vehicle: Man Carrier
Theme: Jungle Book
Amount of People per Vehicle: 4
Duration: 3 Minutes
Riders per Hour : 600
Riders per Day : 16,560 - 33,120
Height Restriction : None
Ticket Rating : C-Ticket
Ride Experience -
Scene 1 : The Snake Charmer
The vehicles enter the jungle at night. Above them the stars not hidden by foliage are seen by fiber optics. In the relaxing night ambient wind flows throughout the room, and in the distance the calls of the animals of the jungle. A slithering can be heard as guests see a reptilian looking tail slither under a bush.
“What are you doing so deep in the jungle? Are you losst? I’ll keep you clossse.”
Kaa appears before the guests continuing.
“Now let go of your fear now, and trussssst in me.”
Kaa starts to use hypnotism on the guests as they continue into a tunnel that is swirling pink and purple. The vehicles start to bounce and shake as trumpeting and marching is heard. The guests soon brake out of their hypnotized state
“Darn that Colonel Hathi, and hisss Pachyderm Parade!”
Scene 2 : The Pachyderm Parade
As guests escape Kaa’s hypnotism they enter a field of tall grass surrounding the room. A distant trumpeting and stomping can be heard, and it is heard the vehicles shake. A nearby tree stands tall with Bagheera napping. Colonel Hathi and his Pachyderm Parade comes into view. They are all singing Colonel Hathi’s March. Bagheera moans as he is awoken by the singing. He turns around, and eyes Colonel Hathi

“Colonel if I may ask why you are all on patrol at this hour?”
“Ah Bagheera! My good chap well as you must’ve heard Shere Khan has returned to seek revenge on man”
“Shere Khan has returned to the jungle! Oh my”
Bagheera notices the guests.
“What are you doing here? Have you not heard Shere Khan has returned, and he’s out to kill we must return you to the Man Village! Good Day Colonel, and you follow me!
“Goodbye Bagheera!”
Bagheera jumps off his branch, and walks to the next room. This whole room will be done by projection scrim except for the tall grass that’s part of the set.
Scene 3 : Papa Bear
As the vehicles enter a new part of the jungle they hear the whistling of Bare Necessities. An animatronic Baloo appears in front of the guests.
“Are you all heading to the man village? Well don’t I got one thing that they don’t the Bear Nescessties!”
Bagheera pops out from a bush.
“Oh Baloo not this nonsense! I’m to return them before any trouble arises”
The vehicles continue down a tunnel with Baloo singing the Bear Necessities and all the fruits, and other foods appear going around the tunnel. However laughter is heard as the vehicles go into a room as some monkeys fight off Baloo, and steal the guests.
“Here Baloo have some of you Bear Necessties!”
“Hey where are you takin’ them!”
“Don’t worry bear, they’ll soon be in company with our King!”
“Baloo you fool! If you had let me take them back they wouldn’t have been ape knapped!”
Scene 4 : The Mad King
As the vehicles enter an old temple where they are met by Flunky. Monkeys are heard hollering in the distance.
“Mmmm, yes King Louie wishes to see you. Offer you a trade. Protection for your bright red fire.”
The vehicles continue into a small room with King Louie sitting on his throne.
“Now I'm the king of the swingers
Oh, the jungle VIP
I've reached the top and had to stop
And that's what botherin' me
I wanna be a man
And stroll right into town
And be just like the other men
I'm tired of monkeyin' around!
Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
You'll see it's true
An ape like me
Can learn to be human too
What I desire is man's red fire
To make my dream come true
Give me the secret
Clue me what to do
Give me the power of man's red flower
So I can be like you!
So have we got a deal?”
The vehicles careen into the next room where monkeys are swinging around and dancing. A disguised Baloo is seen swing dancing with King Louie. While Bagheera is by an exit whispering.
“Hurry go now before the apes notice, and before the storm comes”
The vehicles move into the next scene.
Scene 5 : Run, Man
As the vehicles enter this new scene they are met with the loud clap of thunder and the flash of lighting. Rain seems to be falling down as a few drops occasionally hit the guests. Wind howls in the distance. Guests seem to be in the Wasteland where there are plenty of dead trees. Bagheera appears telling the guests to look out as Shere Khan was spotted here last. As if on cue Shere Khan leaps out from the darkness roaring at the guests. The vehicles spin around, and head towards a tree with four vultures. Shere Khan once again appears from behind the tree causing he vehicles to spin again as they try to escape the hungry tiger. The room erupts in a brilliant flash of lighting as thunder booms. The vehicles come face to face with a video screen where it is seen that Shere Khan is now running away do to his fear of fire, and the fire that was caused by the lighting.
Scene 6 : Home
The vehicles shift into a new room. Bagheera and Baloo are seen waving goodbye to the guests as the vehicles turn back into the Man Village, and exit the ride. An instrumental version of My Own Home plays in the background in the room.
The Enchanted Tiki Room
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Animatronic Show
Theme: The Enchanted Tiki Room
Number of Theaters: 1
Amount of Viewers per Show : 460
Duration: 15 Minutes
Riders per Hour : 1,840
Riders per Day : 16,560 - 33,120
Height Restriction : None
Ticket Rating : C-Ticket
Experience -
The Spirit of Aloha Isle
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Water Show
Theme: The Polynesian Isle
Duration: 12 Minutes
Ticket Rating : D-Ticket
Costumes & Technical Aspects -
This show will be hosted completely on barges that will move in and out from Aloha Isle Lagoon. Five barges will move in a concentric pattern around a central barge with a depiction of a 10 foot volcano at the center of it. The five barges will be equipped with themed fire extinguishers, and fire poi will also be present for parts of the show. The main barge will have a central volcano as already mentioned which is where Pele will remain hidden until her big reveal. Pele will be an animatronic that once she appears seems to be a part of the volcano if it wasn’t for the fact that her skin seems to look like lava, and her hair seems to flow like magma. Fire and smoke emitters well be strategically placed
The costumes for this show will reflect traditional costumes worn in the Polynesian Islands. While Stitch will look similar to what he typically wears however he now adorns a Hawaiian Lei. The performers are dressed in traditional Hawaiian hula outfits that give a feeling of welcoming, but at the same time have a fiery flare to them.
Soundtrack -
Show Experience -
Aloha, welcome to The Spirit of Aloha Isle! To keep the tiki gods at bay we ask of you to please be respectful to those around you, and those in the show. We also ask of you to please refrain from flash photography. Now enjoy this spectacle of the Polynesian Isles to start in 5 minutes.
(All performers in unison will begin to sing and chant. After Scene 1 they all begin to dance in unison)
Scene 1 : Oli Aloha
Onaona i ka hala me ka lehua
He hale lehua no ia na ka noe
O ka`u no ia e `ano`i nei
E lia`a nei ho`i o ka hiki mai
A hiki mai no `oe
Hiki pu no me ke aloha
Aloha e, aloha e
Scene 2 : He Mele No Lilo
(Near the end of the song Stitch will come riding on a jet ski waving and yelling aloha. He will then get off the jet ski, and onto the barges)
Mahalo nui iā
Ke ali'i wahine
'O Lili'ulani
O ka Wohi ku
Ka pipio mai o ke anuenue
Nā waiho'olu'u a halikeole'e
E nānā nā maka i ke ao mālama
Mai Hawai'i akea i Kaua'i
'O Kalākaua he inoa
O ka pua mae 'ole i ka lā
Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi 'o Mauna Kea
Ke'amaila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu
A ka luna o Uwekahuna
I ka pali kapu o Kilauea
Ea mai ke ali'i kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo
Ka pua nani a o Hawaii
'O Kalākaua he inoa
'O Kalākaua he inoa
Ka pua mae 'ole i ka Iā
Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi 'o Mauna kea
Ke'maila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu
A ka luna o Uw'kahuna
I ka pali kapu o Ka'auea
Mahalo nui iā
Ke ali'i wahine
'O Lili'ulani
O ka Wohi ku
Ea mai ke ali'i kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo
Ka pua nani a o Hawaii
'O Kalākaua he inoa
He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kūlele
Scene 3 : Aloha E Komo Mai
(Stitch now sings along as well)
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Maka maka
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
iki baba
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Iki tooki nee ha
Aka tiki baba
Gaba ika tasooba
Miki miki coconut
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Miki miki coconut
I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
Scene 4 : Hawaiian War Chant
The volcano shoots out a poof of fire followed by billowing smoke. The performers begin to chant Uh-Oa over and over again. Fire continues to shoot out as the performers get their fire poi ready. Stitch in a panic runs off shouting bye, and rides off on his jet ski. The performers begin to spin the fire during the Hawaiian War Chant. The fire emitted from the volcano intensifies. Near the end of the song Pele pops out of the volcano waking up. She booms “Who awakes me! Come on who has awoken the great Pele! No one? How sad I was going to thank them for releashing me, and letting me see my people. However it seems that I must go soon”. As she speaks the performers put away the fire poi.

Scene 5 : Aloha 'Oe
This performance will be melancholy, as the hula will be slow following the mood of the song.
Haʻaheo ka ua i nā pali
Ke nihi aʻela i ka nahele
E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua ʻāhihi lehua o uka
Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A hoʻi aʻe au
Until we meet again
ʻO ka haliʻa aloha i hiki mai
Ke hone aʻe nei i kuʻu manawa
ʻO ʻoe nō kaʻu ipo aloha
A loko e hana nei
Maopopo kuʻu ʻike i ka nani
Nā pua rose o Maunawili
I laila hiaʻai nā manu
Mikiʻala i ka nani o ka lipo
Pele goes back in her volcano seeming like she is crying. The barges all slowly float away except Pele’s Volcano.
Join me next time as we venture into Discoveryland.